

4 December 2024

The second LEG SAI (Strengthening Legal Units within SAIs Initiative) Expert Meeting took place in Warsaw from 26 to 29 November 2024,
in the framework of the INTOSAI DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (IDI) of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI),on the topic:
"Legal Units as Proactive Safeguards of SAIs Independence". Read more



29 November 2024
On Wednesday, 27 November 2024, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europeheld a working meeting with the Hellenic Court of Audit.
 Read more


25 November 2024
On Thursday 21 November 2024, the planned visit of a delegation of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Hellenic Court of Audit took place.
The main purpose of the visit was the exchange views and good practices on the issue of audits related to the environment, climate crisis and forest protection.  Read more



30 October 2024

On Wednesday, October 30th, a delegation of the Young Employees' Association of the Dutch Higher Institutions (YoHoCo) (Dutch Parliament, Raad van State, Algemene Rekenkamer, Nationale ombudsman), consisting of twenty (20) young employees, visited the Hellenic Court of Audit to be informed about its competences.
They were briefed on the powers of the Court of Audit, both as a Supreme Financial Court and as a supreme audit institution (SAI), by Judges Mrs. S. Tori, Mrs. K. Raptopoulou, and Mr. S. Petakos, by the Head of the Directorate "Quality Control" Mr. P. Hadjiioannidis and by the representative of the Department of International European and Public Relations Mr. A. Frangos

10 October 2024
Mrs. Sotiria Douni, President of the Hellenic Court of Audit, participated in the first General Assembly of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions with Jurisdictional Functions (JURISAI) in Paris on October 7-8, 2024, including participants from 31 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). During the proceedings, attendees elected the necessary administrative members and approved the strategic plan. The first day compised a seminar titled "Auditor and Judge: Supreme Audit Institutions Making Decisions," highlighting the role of jurisdictional functions in enhancing transparency and public trust in the audit of public finances.




8 October 2024
Mrs. Sotiria Douni, President of the Hellenic Court of Audit, participated in a conference held in Paris on October 4-5, organized by the Association of French-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AISCCUF) as part of the Francophonie Summit.  The conference focused on the relationship between Supreme Audit Institutions, citizens, and the media. Participants shared views and experiences on the need for informing citizens reliably in order to enhance transparency in public finances and strengthen trust in Supreme Audit Institutions.





22 July 2024 
A delegation from the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh, responsible for auditing the Bangladeshi Embassy in Greece, visited the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit, Mrs. Sotiria Douni. The delegation, accompanied by the Acting Ambassador of Bangladesh, Mr. Bishwagith Kumer Paul, exchanged commemorative items with Mrs. Douni and delivered a greeting letter from the Auditor General of Bangladesh





25 June 2024
The President of the Hellenic Court of Audit, Mrs. Sotiria Ntouni, took part in the inaugural meeting of the Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions with Jurisdictional Functions (JURISAI) held in Casablanca, Morocco, on the occasion of the adoption of the new Statutes of the Organization. The purpose of the creation of the new statutes is to upgrade the legal status of its precursor, the Forum of SAIs with Jurisdictional Functions, within the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI).



19 June 2024

The Hellenic Court of Audit was represented by Mrs. Argyro Mavrommati, Judge Counsellor, at the High-Level Conference, held in Brussels, in the framework of the Belgian EU Council Presidency. “Resilient SAIs for Resilient Societies” was the Conference’s main theme. 14 Heads of EU Supreme Audit Institutions and Belgian professors carried out presentations on various issues, such as climate change, digitalisation, public finances and the independence of Supreme Audit Institutions, all hinging on resilience. The Conference was attended by representatives from 25 EU countries, the Ukraine, the European Court of Auditors, the OECD and the International Board of Auditors for NATO.



20 May 2024

A delegation of the Supreme Audit Institutions of Brazil - members of the Rui Barbosa Institute, the main supportive-scientific institution of the 33 independent and peer Brazilian Courts of Audit, and of the Association of Brazilian Courts of Audit (ATRICON), paid an official high-level visit to the Hellenic Court of Audit. Its purpose was to exchange best practices on the basis of the INTOSAI Principle, P-50, to gain an insight into the organizational structure and work of the Hellenic Court of Audit and to present respectively the structure and work of the Supreme Audit Institutions of Brazil.



6 May 2024

The Hellenic Court of Audit, represented by Judge Counsellor Anna Papapanagiotou, participated in the International Conference in Palermo, Italy on "The exercise of judicial accounting: international experiences and exchange of best practices", co-organised by the Procura regionale della Corte dei conti per la Sicilia and the Università degli studi di Palermo, from 6 to 8 May 2024. She presented "The role of the HCA in the fight against corruption to enhance development". The State Prosecutor General’s Office was represented by Judge Eleftheria Kagkelidou, who presented the judicial powers of the HCA and the State Prosecutor General’s Office.



21 March 2024

The Hellenic Court of Audit became the newest member of the Association of Supreme Audit Institutions having in common the use of the French language (Association des Institutions Supérieures de Contrôle ayant en Commun l’Usage du Français – AISCCUF).


18 March 2024

On 22 and 23 of February 2024, the Vice Presidents of the Hellenic Court of Audit Mr. Konstantinos Kostopoulos and Mrs.  Evangelia Kouloumbini represented the Hellenic Court of Audit at the international symposium with the theme: “Liability before the Supreme Audit Institutions, Achievement and prospects” in Rabat, Morocco.



 28 February 2024 

The President of the Hellenic Court of  Audit presents the Work Program of 2024 to the Hellenic Parliament’s Special Committee on Institutions and Transparency.




6 February 2024

Vice President Ms Maria Vlachaki represented the Hellenic Court of Audit at the formal sitting of the European Court of Human Rights on 26 January 2024. It was preceded by a judicial seminar entitled “Revisiting Subsidiarity in the Age of Shared Responsibility, attended by representatives of the supreme courts of the 46 Member States of the Council of Europe and of local, national and international authorities.



12 December 2023

Vice President Ms Vasiliki Andreopoulou represented the Hellenic Court of Audit at the meeting of the Ηeads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Three Seas Initiative member countries, held in Warsaw on December 5 and 6



1 December 2023

Ms Sotiria Ntouni has been appointed as President of the Hellenic Court of Audit upon unanimous decision by the Council of Ministers, following the Parliament Presidents’ Conference positive opinion by majority (4/5 voting for). Ms. Ntouni’s term of office shall last for four years, in accordance with the Constitution. 






6 November 2023

The Association of Judges of the Hellenic Court of Audit, organized a farewell event on 3rd November, 2023, in honor of the Court’s President, Mr. Ioannis Sarmas, on the occasion of his retirement.



18 October 2023

Representation of the Hellenic Court of Audit at the Annual Meeting of the INTOSAI Forum of Jurisdictional SAIs by Mrs. Theologia Gnardelli, Judge Counsellor





1 November 2023

 Farewell lunch in honour of the outgoing President of the Hellenic Court of Audit, Mr. Ioannis Sarmas and his wife by the General Commissioner of the State at the HCA and the Vice-Presidents of the Court, under the Acropolis.




 25 October 2023

 The Plenary Session of the Hellenic Court of Audit convened for the last time under the Presidency of Mr. Ioannis Sarmas, whose term of office expires on 4 November, at a formal public sitting, in the presence of the Minister and Deputy Minister of Justice, the President of the Council of the State and the President of the Legal Council of the State.



  4 July 2023

  Visit of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam’s Central Committee of Internal Affairs to the Court of Audit.




  26 June 2023

 Former Caretaker Prime Minister Mr. Ioannis Sarmas returns to the Court of Audit.







 23 June 2023

 Participation of the Acting Vice-President at the Annual Conference of the European Union Contact Committee






 30 May 2023

 Visit of the Acting Minister of Justice to the Court of Audit










 25 May 2023

 Mr. Ioannis Sarmas , President of the Hellenic Court of Audit, was sworn in as caretaker Prime Minister of Greece on Thursday, May 25.
The duties of the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit are now carried out by the most senior Vice President Sotiria Douni.




 24 May 2023

 President of The Hellenic Court of Audit Judge Ioannis Sarmas appointed caretaker Prime Minister by President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou.





  17 March 2023

 Panteion University, in cooperation with the Hellenic Court of Audit, organised a scientific event entitled: "European Law and Greek Justice: A Necessary Dialogue" with the participation of The President of the Court Judge, Ioannis Sarmas and Vice President Ms. Evangelia - Elisavet Kouloumbini






9 March 2023

The Hellenic Court of Audit's Special Audit Reports at a glance
The electronic brochure including the executive summaries of the Hellenic Court of Audit’s thematic audit reports has been posted on its website (available only in Greek ). This brochure will be updated with each new report that is completed. The Reports are presented in four parts, which correspond to the four major thematic sections of the audits carried out by the Court:

  •  Financial sustainability,
  •  Social state,
  •  Rule of law,
  •  Sustainable development,






 7 February 2023

 A bilateral cooperation agreement between the Hellenic Court of Audit and the French Court of Auditors has been concluded on the exchange of experience and good practices, the organization of study visits, seminars and internships and on hosting French-speaking Greek auditors within the French Court of Auditors, as part of an exchange program.






  1 January 2023

 The President of the Hellenic Republic Mrs. Katerina Sakellaropoulou meets with the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit, Mr. Ioannis Sarmas









 15 November 2022

 The President of the HCA Mr. Ioannis Sarmas attended the XXIV International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions in Brazil, from November 7 -11, 2022 and was invited to intervene in a side event on the benefits of SAIs with jurisdictional activities. Link to his speech




 11 November 2022

 The Report on the State Account and Annual Balance of the financial year 2020 was presented to the Hellenic Parliament’s Special Committee on Institutions and Transparency.





 4 November 2022

 The Hellenic Court of Audit organised a seminar, presenting the Court’s audit work to Public Administration officials inthe War Museum Auditorium, in Athens.







 18 May 2022

 President of the HCA Mr. Ioannis Sarmas participated in the Webinar “Artificial Intelligence” organised by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens’ Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory. The President’s speech: The Introduction of Artificial Intelligence in the decision-making of the Hellenic Court of Audit.





 18 April 2022

 On April 14, at “Megaron, the Athens Concert Hall”, the Hellenic Court of Audit organised the event: "The new Thematic Audits of the Hellenic Court of Audit: The Court's audits on key economic and social issues."
 Republic’s President Address Parliament’s President Speech






 7 April 2022

 The President of the Hellenic Court of Audit, Judge Ioannis Sarmas, participated in the Delphi Economic Forum VII and made clear that the HCA is ready to scrutinise all contracts pertaining to the Recovery and Resilience Facility, so the available resources be used to the best advantage of the Country.





 24 March 2022

 The Full Plenary of the Hellenic Court of Audit unanimously decided the amendment of the Judges’ Charter of Ethics in order to be in full compliance with the national strategy for LGBTQI equality.







 9 March 2022

 The President of the Hellenic Court of Audit presents the Work Program of 2022 to the Hellenic Parliament’s Special Committee on Institutions and Transparency.






 08 February 2022

 On 21 February 2022, the European Court of Auditors, in collaboration with the College of Europe in Bruges, will organise a virtual “Open Day” in conjunction with the Conference on the Future of Europe (CFE). This event will be hosted on the digital platform of the CFE and allow the wider public to interact with ECA Members and ask questions about ECA tasks and audits. In addition, the event will feature a briefing about career opportunities at the European Court of Auditors, which might be of particular interest for public auditors and up-and-coming young professionals. Open Day





 31 January 2022

 The President of the Hellenic Republic Mrs. Katerina Sakellaropoulou meets with the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit Mr. Ioannis Sarmas.






 23 July 2021

 CC Audit Compendium on the response to COVID-19

 This year’s edition of the Audit Compendium addresses challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is behind one of the most disruptive health crises the world has ever seen, with a major impact on society, economies and individuals everywhere. It provides information on the impact of and the response to the pandemic at national and supranational level, and gives an overview of the pertinent audit work carried out and published in 2020 by eleven EU supreme audit institutions.



 12 May 2021

 The President of the Hellenic Court of Audit Mr Ioannis Sarmas participated in the Delphi Economic Forum VI and referred to the Court’s contribution to the modernization of the State, public administration, public financial auditing and the administration of Justice.




 16 April 2021

 The Full Plenary Session of the Hellenic Court of Auditors welcomed the new Greek Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Mr. Giannis Ktistakis. He referred to the 15th ECHR Protocol, which is about to enter into force, and the President of Synedrio Μr Ioannis Sarmas, in his address, emphasized the importance of the Rome Convention in the case law of the Hellenic Court of Auditors.




 29 March 2021

CC Audit Compendium – Cybersecurity

 This year’s Audit Compendium is dedicated to cybersecurity, a topic which was already critical for our societies before COVID-19 hit. It provides background information on cybersecurity, main strategic initiatives and relevant legal bases in the EU. It also illustrates the main challenges the EU and its Member States are facing, such as threats to individual EU citizens´ rights through misuse of personal data, the risk for institutions of not being able to deliver essential public services or facing limited performance following cyberattacks. The Compendium draws on the results of audits carried out by 13 SAIs.



 03 March 2021


Public finance audit consultancy Strategic management consulting (public finance audit)





 15 February 2021

 Mr. Linos-Alexandros Sicilianos, Judge and former President of the European Court of Human Rights, presented in teleconference to the Judges of the Hellenic Court of Auditors, the latest case law of the European Court of Human Rights, with emphasis on the Judgments of the Court concerning Greece.





 19 January 2021

 The President of the Hellenic Republic Mrs. Katerina Sakellaropoulou meets with the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit Mr. Ioannis Sarmas






 15 January 2021

 The Minister of the Interior visits the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit






 18 December 2020

 The President of the Hellenic Court of Audit presents the Work Program of 2021 to the Hellenic Parliament’s Special Committee on Institutions and Transparency.





 11 December 2020

 The Statement of Assurance on the State’s Budget Execution Report and Financial Statements of the year 2018 and the Work Program 2021 of the Hellenic Court of Audit are forwarded to the Hellenic Parliament.





 25 November 2020

 The Regional Governor of the Ionian Islands Mrs. Rodi Kratsa – Tsangaropoulou visits the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit Mr. Ioannis Sarmas.





 10 November 2020

 The Judges’ Charter of Ethics of the Hellenic Court of Audit has been published.






 6 November 2020

 The Statement of Assurance on the State’s Budget Execution Report and Financial Statements of the year 2018, is presented by the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit to the Special Standing Committee on the Financial Statement and the General Balance Sheet and on the implementation of the State Budget.





 22 October 2020

 The Hellenic Parliament’s President visits the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit






 16 September 2020

 The Minister of Justice visits the Hellenic Court of Audit






 5 June 2020

 Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos II visits the President of the Hellenic Court of Audit





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