
Hellenic Parliament

The HCA is required to submit to the Parliament the State’s Budget Execution Report and Financial Statements (the Statement of Assurance) as well as the Annual Report. The latter may also include recommendations for necessary reforms to address issues identified in the exercise of its competences. This is administered to the Parliament’s President by the President of the Court of Audit.

  • The President of the Hellenic Court of Audit presents each year to the Parliament the annual work programme. At the hearing, the Parliament may propose to give priority to some of the audits that have been scheduled. It may also express interest in the carrying out of additional audits on weaknesses in public financial management systems.


International Organisations – Memberships

CONTACT COMMITTEE: The Hellenic Court of Audit is a member of the Contact Committee. The Contact Committee is an assembly of the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the EU Member States and of the European Court of Auditors. It is an autonomous, independent and non-political assembly which meets every year.

  • EUROSAI: The Hellenic Court of Audit is a member of the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions, which numbers 50 SAIs, and participates actively in the following Working Groups and Task Forces:

Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA)

  • Task Force on Audit & Ethics (TFA&E)
  • Task Force on Municipality Audit (TFMA)

INTOSAI: The Hellenic Court of Audit participates as a full member in the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions, which has 195 full members, 5 associated members and 1 affiliated member. The Court participates in the following Forum and Working Groups :

Forum of Jurisdictional SAIs

  • Working Group on Value and Benefits of SAIs (WGVBS)
  • Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA)


International Expertise

European Court of Auditors: Traditionally, one of the Court’s Judges, is nominated as the Greek member in the European Court of Auditors (ECA) .

  • Judges and auditors have served in various positions in the ECA, the International Board of Auditors for NATO (I.B.A.N), the ATHENA College of Auditors, the European Defence Agency College of auditors (EDA) and the Audit Board of EUROCONTROL.


EVENTS organised by our SAI

Public Procurement Audit – Athens Seminar

  • Ethics in Supreme Audit Institutions – Athens Seminar

Workshops' Summary

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